10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

The pacifier has provided hours of relaxation and sucking comfort, but there comes a time when it must disappear. When should your little one put down the pacifier? And what is the best way to do it?

Read on for the 411 on ditching the pacifier!

1. Time It Right

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Pacifiers can help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), so it’s important to allow your baby to use one if she likes until she’s six months old, when the risk of SIDS greatly diminishes, says WebMD. And don\’t try to wean your little one off her pacifier during major life events like starting a new daycare or a household move, when your baby could use the extra soothing.

2. It\’s a Must-Do By Age Two

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Before the age of two, your baby will not suffer any long-term damage to his teeth, according to WebMD. Any problems that develop before that time will likely self-correct within six months of kicking the pacifier habit. Sloping teeth may begin to appear and pacifier use after age four, when permanent teeth begin to form, can mean long-term dental problems.

3. Some Experts Say Quit It By 12 Months

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Frequent pacifier use after 12 months of age could interfere with a child\’s language development skills, some experts say. The reason is twofold: a child is less likely to practice making sounds and words when he has a pacifier in his mouth, in addition to the The act of sucking on the pacifier can cause the muscles of the tongue and lips to develop abnormally. Prolonged use of a pacifier may contribute to the development of a lisp.

4. Going Cold Turkey Might Be Best

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

It can be a rough couple of days, but then the pacifier attachment wears off, says WebMD. Fortunately, there are gentle and gentle ways to get rid of pacifiers once and for all. Your little one treasures his pacifier, so be sure to treat him like a good friend who he should say goodbye to. Read on for some ideas on how to sweetly help your child quit the pacifier.

5. Get Everyone Onboard

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Make sure all caregivers are aware of your pacifier plans. You want the message and experience regarding pacifier use to be consistent at home, daycare, and grandma, or you risk confusing your child. If it is used only at nap time or bedtime, for example, be sure to communicate with all the adults involved.

6. Offer Alternative Comforts

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

When you first take away the pacifier from your baby, you’ll probably need to soothe her in other ways. Rocking, a gentle swinging motion, soft singing, and gentle massage are some ways you can help ease your baby\’s discomfort and help her settle down without the aid of a pacifier, says the Mayo Clinic. For older babies, blankets with a soft satiny edge or a snuggly stuffed animal could provide the comfort your little one desires.

7. Wean Her Off

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

If simply taking it away doesn\’t interest you, try slowly weaning your little one off of her pacifier. Start by giving it only at nap-time and bedtime. After a couple of weeks, stop offering it at nap-time. If your little one fusses, try giving her a cuddly toy instead, or comfort her through rocking and other soothing gestures. Once your child is adjusted to napping without the pacifier, it\’s time to work on bedtime. At first you might just remove it from the crib after your baby is asleep and has spit it out, then begin putting her down without it.

8. Give Them Away

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Some moms have success using reason with their toddlers. You could explain to your child that she is now a big girl and that there is a baby out there who needs her pacifiers to stop crying. Engage your little one in decorating a box for the baby, then gather up all of the pacifiers and place them in it. If you have a friend with a baby, make a big deal about handing over this box for the baby, or take it to a pediatric dentist who will distribute the binkies to babies (wink, wink). Be sure to offer a lot of praise and a small gift to your toddler for being such a kind and generous “big kid.”

9. Make Them Unappealing

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

If your little one is very attached to his pacifier, it might take making the soother extremely unappealing to help him break the habit. One way to do this, dip the pacifiers in lemon juice or vinegar; the terrible taste could turn him off the silicon “dummies” for good. Another way many moms try is by cutting off the tip, which disables the sucking power of the pacifier. Please be aware that altering a pacifier could make it a choking hazard if the pieces come apart.

10. Introduce the Binky Fairy

10 Tips for Weaning Off the Pacifier

Here’s a fun way to say goodbye to those pesky pacifiers: stage a visit from the Binky Fairy. Tell your toddler the Binky Fairy will come as soon as he is ready to be done with his pacifier. Help him collect all of the pacifiers and place them in a box on the doorstep, or in a fancy basket that you can hang from a tree outside. Make this ritual as big of a production as you feel is necessary to help your child let go of his prized soothers. The Binky Fairy will then pay a visit to collect the box and leave a toy in its place.