As a society, we are attached to their smartphones. To be honest, we’re not sure how some people would function if their devices were taken away. There would definitely be a sense of confusion and anxious nervousness. What would people even do with themselves without constant entertainment and a barrage of information at their fingertips? Maybe they’d actually engage with other people. Being present in the moment, what a radical idea!

Decreasing screen time is easier said than done because most people use screens for everything from school to work and entertainment. Most children and teenagers haven’t lived in a world where screens weren’t a big part of their life. It’s a digital world and for many adults, having our phone glued to our hands has just become second nature.

So for those looking to unplug more in the new year, here are 15 realistic and easy ways to succeed.

Use an App to Monitor Screen Time

For accountability, nothing works quite like a smartphone app that presents the facts. There’s no denying it when the app keeps track. There are tons out there, just search the app store. iPhone users can use the already installed Screen Time tool on their phones that will even let them set time limits on each type of social media account. Genius!

Phone a Friend

Ask a friend to call once a week to help keep those texting threads in check. This will result in less time staring at the phone and and initiate some actual human conversation — just imagine!

Designated Tech-Free Time

Make a schedule of times and places where tech is forbidden. Start with something easy, like dinner time and expand from there. Stick to it and enjoy one another. No phones during family time is a great place to start.

Disable Notifications

Notifications are so annoying. Nobody has the willpower to ignore that constant dinging. Just turn them off so there’s no temptation. No one really needs to know every time someone likes their Instagram photo of their morning coffee. Go play with the kids.

Cancel Social Media

We know, this is a hard one, but social media is a constant distraction for most. It makes avoiding responsibilities and people easier than should be possible. It’s a crutch in social situations and more often than not, gives us angry, frustrated, or envious feels — none of which we need to be the best versions of ourselves. So hit delete on some social media accounts and get social IRL.

Just Walk Away

Leave the electronics on the table or in a designated room. Now, forget about it. Walk away. Go play a board game with the family or read a book instead. The first few times doing this may be painful, but like most things, the more one does it, the easier it gets.

Make It a Competition

Nothing motivates people like a little friendly competition. Set up a no screen time challenge with a friend and see who can go the longest without screens on a given day. Take it up a notch with a really enticing reward for the winner of the challenge after a month.

Use the Do Not Disturb Mode

Most phones these days come with a “Do Not Disturb” mode that will pause all notifications within a certain amount of time. Sure, overnight hours are an ideal way to use it, but expand it further by designating other hours of the day like meal times, the kids’ bedtime and a few hours in the morning.


Move away from the screen, yes, even the screen exercise equipment. Instead of binging Netflix in bed, why not go for a walk around the block and say hi to the neighbors. The endorphins from moving our bodies is better than any high from staring at the screen any longer and soon that will feel addictive instead.

Turn Off the TV

Phones aren’t the only screens in our lives. Put the remote down. Tell Netflix no one is watching. Get in the car and go someplace and get some fresh air with someone worth spending time with.

Get a Hobby

It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it doesn’t involve smartphones or screens. Perhaps start journaling, take a dance class, or experimenting in the kitchen — whatever it is dedicate just one day a week to it at first and stick to it as though life depends on it. Every journey starts with small steps.

Read a Book

Like, an actual book — not a book on a device. Reading might not feel very exciting, but it is a luxury some only dream of. It’s like a vacation without leaving bed. It’s quite decadent. Grab a good book or magazine and take a few hours to let that imagination go wild. Pair it with a hot bath and call it self-care as well.

Create Something

No matter if it’s a song, a painting, pottery, or building a boat, whatever the project created, it’ll be something beautiful and unique. More importantly, no screens will be involved in the creation of that art.

Go Outside

Leave the phone inside and walk right out the door and get some fresh air. Inhale deeply, look up at the sky and just be. Next, play. Running, biking, swimming, exploring, or having a picnic are all perfectly acceptable things to do outside. If leaving the phone gives too much anxiety, at the least, turn on the Do Not Disturb setting to enjoy the outdoors uninterrupted.

Eat as a Family

No more eating dinner in front of the television. That not only leads to mindless eating, it encourages people to avoid people in the same room in favor of strangers online. Instead, opt for eating as a family at an actual table.