If you deal with back pain, yoga may be just what you need. Yoga is a kind of physical and mental therapy, which is helpful to effectively treat back pain and accompanying stress. Here, we will discuss yoga pose, which can reduce pain, relax and strengthen your body. There may be dozens of reasons for back pain; Bad posture, weak core and sedentary work are among them. It is always important to find out the factors and causes of pain, so that you can treat it correctly and prevent it from happening again. However, in most cases, even practicing basic yoga postures can reduce back tension and pain. A study was conducted in 2017, which proved that yoga is really beneficial to back pain. A group of 320 adults were evaluated to find out whether yoga as physical therapy is effective in relieving chronic back pain. Participants in physical therapy and yoga classes showed similar improvement in pain level. But what yoga posture do you choose? We all know how many yoga asanas exist, some of which are difficult to accomplish, especially if you are a beginner. In order to make your life easier, we divide it according to the complexity of yoga poses. So, regardless of how fit, strong, or flexible you are, in this post, you’ll find helpful yoga poses to suit your fitness level.

Yoga poses for beginners for back pain relief:

Child’s Pose

Sphinx Pose

Cat-Cow Pose

Downward Dog


Happy Baby

The yoga pose we describe here is safe every day. They are very suitable for exercising core stability, correcting posture and flexibility, which are all needed for your healthy back. However, it is important to listen to your body and stop doing any exercise that will cause discomfort. If your posture hurts, relax and stretch. Depending on the severity and location of your back pain, different postures will suit you better. Also remember that yoga postures that help cure back pain are not limited to these postures. Keep exploring and finding out what can bring you relief and vitality! We hope these suggestions can help you relieve or prevent back pain and make your life healthier.