My name is David. I was born in Los Angeles, USA to an ordinary family. I have an older sister and a younger brother, and my parents are both service industry workers. Growing up, my parents always encouraged us to work hard and strive for a better future.

I am extremely grateful to my parents for their role in my education and growth. They taught us to respect others, work hard, and pursue our dreams. These values have been with me throughout my life and have influenced my career.

I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. During my time there, I participated in various clubs and volunteer work. It was through this experience that I learned about leadership, teamwork, and community service. One of the most impactful experiences was when I participated in a non-profit organization that helped children in impoverished areas get better education resources. Through this experience, I realized my passion for social welfare and began to focus on sustainable development and environmental protection.

After graduation, I landed my first job in marketing. While working there, I learned a lot about sales and marketing, as well as honed my communication and management skills. However, I gradually realized that I didn’t truly love this job and needed to find a career path that aligned with my values.

A few years later, I met my husband who is an advocate for environmental protection. Under his influence, I started thinking about what contribution I could make to the environment and society. That’s when I noticed a new emerging market: natural beauty products. However, I also realized that there were few products targeting the Asian community, which inspired me to create our own brand.

So, I boldly embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. I began conducting extensive research and experiments and finally developed our product line- a series of organic, additive-free, and naturally sourced skincare and baby products. However, I encountered many challenges during this process. Firstly, I had to spend a lot of time and effort finding reliable suppliers and raw materials. As I insisted on using organic and natural ingredients, it made my costs relatively high, which put me under financial pressure.

Additionally, I had to learn many new things that I had never encountered before, such as market trends, product design, and manufacturing processes. Utilizing social media to promote and sell products also took a lot of effort, not to mention dealing with customer service and after-sales issues.

Most importantly, I needed to face my own inner challenges. As a young entrepreneur, I often felt lost and anxious. Throughout the entrepreneurial journey, I constantly overcame my fears and uncertainties, and firmly followed my path. I was often afraid of failure and uncertain about the future, but fortunately, I had a talent for dealing with failure and setbacks. I learned from failures, constantly improved myself, and am very grateful to my husband for his unwavering support.

Despite encountering many challenges and difficulties, I always believed that as long as I persevered, continued learning and growing, I could create better products and bring benefits and contributions to more people.

The fact proves that my persistence was correct. Over time, my brand has gradually gained recognition and love from more and more people. I have gained many loyal customers and partners, as well as some media coverage and attention. Most importantly, I feel that I am truly making a contribution to improving people’s lives and the environment.

Entrepreneurship is full of challenges and risks, but I have never regretted my choice. I have learned a lot about business and life, and have grown into a more confident and determined person.