My name is Ethan. I was born in the mountains, surrounded by green trees that my grandfather’s generation had planted. In the summer, white five-petalled flowers would bloom like clouds and emit a strong sweet fragrance. Whenever I walked through the fields on my way to school, the faint smell of honey would make me unable to resist picking a few flowers and soaking them in water to drink, relishing the fond memories of childhood summers.

As time passed, the flowers wilted and were replaced by coffee fruits that turned from green to red from summer to autumn. Every year-end, my family and I would harvest the coffee fruits together. Despite my petite stature, I was assigned to pick the coffee fruits growing on the low branches.

Looking back, I was quite mischievous at the time. Although I loved those strings of red fruit, I couldn’t withstand the pressure of the heavy basket on my back. The washing process was the most enjoyable part. I and my little friends would stand in a big vat taller than us, stomping around with our bodies dripping wet, completely unwilling to leave. The front yard of the house was filled with cleaned coffee beans, which we would turn over and stomp on with bare feet, sometimes resting on the beans to sunbathe when we got tired. During these moments, I would even dream of my future self.

Growing up, I became the owner of a coffee shop in the city. The imported coffee machine, huge operation table, roasted beans, prescribed movements, and hardworking staff received great praise from customers. Every morning, I would preheat the coffee machine and play music, waiting for the first customer to arrive. When the last batch of customers left, I would tidy up the store and prepare for the next day.

During that period, I found myself very happy. I saw tired customers walking out of the store with a refreshed look, frowning customers comfortably leaning back in their chairs, and customers chatting happily in the store, including one who would come to drink a cup of American coffee at a fixed time every day sitting by the window. I realized that my coffee brought enjoyment to customers by bringing vitality, comfort, and relaxation. This inspired me to do more in my hometown.

So, I decided to return to the mountains of my hometown and cultivate new coffee fields on barren land, try out new varieties, improve fertilizer formulations, explore new processing methods, and invite friends to cup test to improve the quality of my coffee.

After years of hard work, I successfully expanded production capacity and cultivated various high-quality coffee varieties. Season after season, year after year, Catim has increased its production capacity, Bourbon has borne fruit aplenty, and The newly bred Geisha will soon bear fruit.

I successfully expanded my coffee farm’s production capacity and cultivated multiple high-quality coffee varieties through hard work. During this journey, I connected with many exceptional coffee farmers, and we frequently exchanged production techniques and quality control practices.

In addition to prioritizing coffee quality, I also upheld social responsibility. I collaborated with local villagers to provide job opportunities and training, empowering them to improve their standards of living. My promotion of sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly planting principles reinforced this commitment to responsible business practices.

Realizing the importance of establishing my coffee brand, I participated in numerous domestic and international coffee exhibitions and competitions, proudly showcasing my unique and superior coffee beans. As a result, I garnered more recognition from coffee enthusiasts and customers alike. Despite challenges and obstacles, I always remained dedicated to my passion for coffee and unwavering commitment to quality.

While facing numerous difficulties and obstacles, I firmly believed that with careful management, constant innovation, and perseverance, I could achieve my aspirations. Those childhood memories of picking coffee fruits serve as a reminder of my growth and entrepreneurial journey, and I cherish each moment.