Many people have the idea that yoga is difficult for them because they lack flexibility. However, the difficulty of yoga varies with the individual and the intensity of the course. Most teachers give students more or less opportunities to practice challenges according to their skill level and preference. If yoga is practiced in addition to other strenuous exercises, it will help to practice at a lower intensity than that suggested by the instructor. If yoga is the only form of exercise, it is helpful to increase the intensity of exercise when skills and exercises permit, so that all benefits can be gained.

As the most common practice of yoga is group practice, it is necessary for coaches to provide students with choices of different skill levels. The coach first introduces the posture, and then gives suggestions to increase or decrease the difficulty of posture by trying extra balance, changing posture or excluding or including props. Tao helps ease the difficulty of some poe, and it is recommended for beginners to use it. Even senior students may find that using Tao can help increase the benefits and strength of certain postures. For example, in sitting spine torsion, it is helpful for beginners to give up props completely and do sitting torsion. However, for a middle-level student, wearing robes is helpful to the transition or strength of sitting posture. Although starting any new activity is usually a challenge, yoga is especially suitable for beginners.

Yoga instructors are proficient in different levels of yoga and how to integrate appropriate challenges. In the initial stage, it is very important to prepare all the accommodation and props for beginners. With the development of skills, it may be a pleasant challenge to try higher strength posture and adjustment.