Make Fun TikTok Videos With Your Baby

TikTok is the newest social media platform to grab the world by storm, and now many parents and kids are using it to pass the time.

Being stuck interior is starting to get old, and right about now you are thinking what you should do to break your boredom streak. It can be a few extra weeks before COVID-19 turns into a terrible shared memory, however thankfully, there are ways you may wash down your self-isolation woes.

Many parents are becoming a member of the TikTok international to get thru the pandemic, in line with many sources out there. Moreover, human beings are spending extra time on social virtual systems and TikTok is bringing households collectively by imparting an escape all through this worrying time when human beings need a smash from all that is going on. To preserve each yours and your baby’s mind distracted, right here are TikTok videos you could make with your little one.

Duet Videos

Duet videos allow you to take content off the back of an initial video, a parody, with both videos appearing alongside each other on the screen. This means that you can respond to filmed content with your own video which you can share publicly.

Consequently, you can make a duet video with your baby on TikTok from popular brands or friends, provided the original video has allowed the content to be used in that fashion. Alternatively, you could create your own video and start a duet chain with baby-friendly content that other moms will find entertaining.

Once you have downloaded the app, search for the video you want to make a parody of, click on the duet tab and start recording your own video featuring your baby while the original video plays on the other side of the screen. You can modify your video by selecting the cover for your video and putting interesting stickers and special effects.

Make Fun TikTok Videos With Your Baby

Music Videos

If you had to write a song for your baby, what would it sound like?

Babies love songs and you can watch or record your baby’s reaction as you drop your pop hit. Put together a melody packed with all the sounds babies love, like ‘whee!’ ‘doo doo,’ and ‘beep beep.’ The idea is to make the song silly and lively and watch your baby giggle and laugh through it all. Alternatively, you could join your baby in singing his or her favorite songs and share the activity even as you try to teach your baby new songs. Creating a music video with your munchkin is a great way to create memorable moments and share the moments with your family and friends.

Cosplay Videos

If you are a cosplay fan, you will enjoy finding ways to dress up your baby in very interesting costumes, though he or she already looks adorable on his or her own. Cosplay does not come with age requirement and you can dress up your baby as your fictional counterpart or as batman to bring in the fun.

Whether your baby will grow up to appreciate your picks will remain to be seen, but there is nothing wrong with sharing your hobby with your baby or with defining your baby’s sense of fashion when he or she can barely walk. However, if your toddler is a bit older, dressing him or her up for play will help him or her to act out his or her emotions and make sense of the world as you help his or her emotional development.

Dance Videos

Can you dance with your baby? Dancing is among the most exciting activities you can do with your baby, and it is even better when you do it from home. Your baby probably had a taste of dancing with all the gentle rocking and swaying you did for nine months when he or she was inside your womb.

Give your toddler the much-needed baby exercise and advance his or her musical knowledge through the activity. Moreover, using gestures and facial expressions as you march, stop and move teaches your baby new parts of language, because babies understand tonalities even before they can grasp semantics.

A little dancing once in a while, or every day for a few minutes, lets babies let their hair down and become more social. Your baby learns to make eye contact and exchange smiles doing his or her cute little dancing. The next time you need to let loose, put on some music, and put up a TikTok dance performance for your adorable little one. You might just become an overnight sensation or one of your videos could go viral.