Yoga is not a good aerobic exercise, so it is usually not an effective way to lose weight. However, this is a whole body exercise, which can make you work very hard, sweat and, in some cases, exhaust yourself. Its advantage lies in regulating the body through challenging physical exercises, and improving the overall health by increasing flexibility, physical awareness and relaxation.

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If you have never done yoga before, the best place to begin for most people is with a beginner hatha yoga class. Hatha yoga generally spends more time on physical postures, as opposed to mantra, pranayama and meditation, and moves slow enough for anyone to keep up while focussing more on safe alignment. As I said earlier, though, all of the above depends on the teacher.

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The length of the workshop varies from 45 minutes to 2 hours, and the class size can range from 2 to 100 students, depending on the workshop. Most studios allow anyone to attend classes at any time, which is good if your schedule is unpredictable, while some classes require you to register in advance and pay a certain amount of time.


If you can practice yoga three or more times a week, you are likely to see significant improvements in flexibility, range of motion, strength, balance, ability to manage stress, sleep quality, happiness and overall happiness. Everyone’s body is different, so this is of course relative. Practicing beginner’s yoga once or twice a week will help you keep your status quo, and you may see some small improvements over time. Like anything related to fitness, the more time you can devote, the more beneficial it will be.

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Yoga is not a religion, a cult or a belief system. The essence of yoga is self-inquiry. Everything we do, whether it is yoga posture, meditation, spells or breathing skills (pranayama), has the purpose of encouraging us to connect with our body and life experiences in a more meaningful way. For example, understanding the balance between effort and release in yoga practice requires constant attention and sensitivity. As a meditation to balance stress and relax, it has far-reaching significance in our daily life. To experience real relaxation is a very beneficial experience. It is priceless for our busy life to understand how to enter challenging posture effortlessly with calm mind and steady breathing.

The origin of yoga comes from the deep pursuit of self-understanding, physical and emotional release and overall happiness. This is not just a physical experience of yoga posture. It digs into the reality of who you are, what you want and why you are here. As you spend more time doing yoga, you may dig deeper into your personal level. Yoga helps you put down the old model, feel more open and happy, and connect with friends, family and your world in a more meaningful way.

We wish you every success in any journey.